Saint Jean Bosco General High School

11 rue Marcellin Berthellot
74300 Cluses


The choice of high school is essential because it necessarily leads to further studies.

These 3 essential years in your child's development are the foundation on which he or she will rely to head off to higher education.

The high school years are also the most beautiful of a school curriculum:

years during which young people will assert their personality,
build working methods,
learn to really learn and move towards greater autonomy,
with the aim of the area in which they will evolve in future years,
The Saint Jean Bosco high school teams have understood the importance of these years and offer your children listening, monitoring, methods, rigor and caring firmness to lead them towards higher education.

The baccalaureate is also important and the teams, now experienced in preparing for the exam, know the elements to provide to young people to lead them towards success.

Saint Jean Bosco high school is a place of conviviality. Highlights – carnival, the 100 days before the Baccalaureate, friendly meals… are organized throughout the year. The High School Students' Office is also a place for sharing with management on the organization and smooth running of the establishment. It is also a learning of citizenship and democracy.

Finally, the Saint Jean Bosco high school is a place where young people who wish can experience Christian spirituality with meeting times, be actor-stretcher bearers during the pilgrimage to Lourdes, and attend monthly masses in our chapel.




All year round.
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