Envolées Cultur'ailes


Envolées Cultur'ailes offers, with passion and professionalism, cultural, leisure and well-being events, turnkey or tailor-made.

For all audiences from early childhood to “old age” and intergenerational, in a private setting or at the service of communities, companies, educational, cultural, social, medical or even prison structures and associations. For more information, contact me or visit my Facebook page!

Cultural mediation, animated readings, character of “Ms. Kamishibaïs and her bike”, activities-games around books, writing, creative and philosophy workshops, dictations-pleasure, organization and animation of meetings with authors, book clubs , literary prizes and competitions; but also literary advice and promotion, public writing and correction for all types of texts.


Rates vary depending on the content and location of the service. An estimate can be established after discussing together your wishes, your projects.


All year round. All day and evening. No service on public holidays.
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