Les Charmilles - 4-room apartment

20, Place des Aravis
74300 Les Carroz-d'Arâches
06 80 63 48 05
04 50 90 00 60


65 m2 apartment, 4 rooms for 6-8 people situated in the centre of the village and 300m from the skilifts.


Capacite hebergement : 6
Capacite maximum possible : 8
Nombre lits doubles : 3
Nombre lits simples : 2
Surface : 65 m²
Nombre pieces : 4
Nombre chambres : 3
Nombre etages : 1
Numero etage : 3

Classement préfectoral

2 stars


From 23/12/2023 to 07/01/2024
Week: 1,550 to 1,600 €.

From 10/02 to 08/03/2024
Week: 1,600 to 1,700 €.

From 10/03 to 14/04/2024
Week: 850 to 1,100 €.


From 07/01 to 09/02, daily. From 11/02 to 11/03, daily. From 23/12 to 06/01, daily.
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